Novas tecnologias na representação do espaço arquitetônico
new technologies, cultural heritage, protection and conservation of architectural and urbanistic patrimonyAbstract
This article intends to explore the possibilities of using new technologies to protect and conserve cultural heritage. It was elaborated through experiences of this architect in different moments 1980’s, 1990’s and 21st century – in various conditions: as an employee of a public company, in the first decade; as preservation technician in a federal institution, in the following decade; and as a university teacher, in the next. In order to demonstrate the progress of new technologies throughout these decades, this article presents three experiences accomplished with different technologies, making it possible to acknowledge the transformation of paradigms and methodologies used in each one of them. The first experience is the restoration of a historic building in the city of Serro, the second is in the city of Mariana, both in Minas Gerais, and the third is in the city of Cesena in the Emilia Romagna region, in Italy.
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