The Company Antarctica Paulista in São Paulo: memory and built heritage


  • Ivone Salgado
  • Diógenes Sousa


Industrial Heritage, Brewery Industry, Urbanization, Industrialization, Industrial memory


The purpose of this article is to present a discussion on industrial heritage, memory and preservation, with a case study of a brewery, Companhia Antarctica Paulista, which still houses a patrimony built in the city of São Paulo. At the end of the 19th century, a manufacturing complex was set up in the Mooca neighborhood, its remnants were already cataloged and registered by the CONPRESP, in 2007, in a process opened in 2007 and fi nalized in 2016, from a survey of remaining building equity. This beverage factory played an important role in the urbanization of the city of São Paulo, in a dimension that goes beyond the limits of the factory itself. The analysis of the memory of an employee of this factory allows to understand the daily life of the factory life and can help in the valuation of this heritage.


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How to Cite

Salgado, I. ., & Sousa, D. . (2019). The Company Antarctica Paulista in São Paulo: memory and built heritage. arq.Urb, (19), 51–63. Retrieved from


