The Quality of Public Transport in Urban Average Cities: A Case Study in Palmas – Tocantins
Public Transport, Quality, Palmas (TO), Collective TransportAbstract
This article presents concepts and analysis on public transport (TP) in the city of Palmas, Tocantins state capital (Brazil), mainly related to the evaluation of the quality of the urban mass transit system with a focus on the user’s point of view. The aim is to identify the issues impacting the quality of the TP system and how it affects the economic efficiency of the city. It is also proposed to stimulate reflections on the urban terms and average town with a view to proposing criteria, considering the specificities of the urban network of Tocantins, identifying their medium-sized cities. Initially, they present some concepts, laid by different authors on the city and its relationship with urbanization due to the state of the implementation process. It will be then a reflection of the average city theme, which analyzes issues related to population size as a principle of identity, characteristics and roles.
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