Developing villages and your history recognized by IPHAN


  • Daniella Christina Acioli do Carmo de Oliveira


Towns and Congeners, Patrimonialization's procedure, Developing Village of Delmiro Gouvela, Developing Village of de Fernão Velho, Developing Village of Goiana


Throughout your 80 years of operation, the IPHAN went through many procedures of development and searched many ways to recognized and pro- tect the Brazilian’s assets. During these phases we can perceive that way it has been identifying the Cultural Heritage of the country and also looking different ways to ensure your preservation. Facing that, we can highlight the 80’s as a period of great advantages in cultural preservation policy because at that point there was a greater diversity in thematic surveyed by IPHAN, with a view that was a decade of great political and social change in Brazil. In this article we sought to understand how patrimonialization gave the process of working villages, through the use of knowledge of production tools. Thus the analysis was based on the study prepared by DTC, entitled Villages and Congeners, and the tipping’s requests opened motivated by it, and understand what actions would best preservationists applied to such and as representative of the working class in Brazil. Thus, it was made analysis of education processes identified with the subject to understand how was the patrimony of the workers’ villages and as such is well seen the currently IPHAN.


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Fontes Documentais:

IPHAN, Processo de Tombamento nº 1084-T-83, Conjunto Habitacional Operário, Goiana – PE.

IPHAN, Processo de Tombamento nº 1085-T-83, Conjunto de Habitação Coletiva denominado Avenida Modelo na Rua Regente Feijó, nº 55, Rio de Janeiro – RJ.

Iphan, Processo de Tombamento nº 1111-T-84, Vila Operária em Delmiro Gouveia, Delmiro Gouveia – AL.

IPHAN, Processo de Tombamento nº 1242-T-87, Vila Operária em Fernão Velho, Maceió – AL.

IPHAN, Estudo Vilas e Congêneres, Volume I. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1984.



How to Cite

Christina Acioli do Carmo de Oliveira, D. . (2019). Developing villages and your history recognized by IPHAN. arq.Urb, (16), 77–95. Retrieved from


