It fought the good fight, ended its career and kept the faith. Reflections on Edifício Caiçara


  • Maria de Lourdes Carneiro da Cunha Nóbrega
  • José Nilson de Andrade Pereira


Landscape, Historic Buildings, Cultural Identity


On 7 April 2016, Edifício Caiçara, a beachfront property in the city of Recife, in the Brazilian State of Pernambuco, was demolished, bringing to a close a process that began in 2011, when members of civil society attempted, principally through social networks, to ensure its preservation as cultural heritage. Constructed in 1940, the building became from the outset a point of reference for those living in the Boa Viagem neighborhood, with its controversial architecture reflecting the characteristic way of living of residents and beach home owners at the time. In view of the controversy and the outcome of the discussions regarding preservation of the building, which culminated in its demolition, the present article outlines a number of aspects of Recife’s current built heritage preservation code, and discusses the case of Edifício Caiçara in the light of the Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscapes (UNESCO, 2011), of the Sofia Declaration (ICOMOS, 1996) and concepts relating to Cultural Identity (Hall, 2006). The approaches referenced, which relate to aspects of the controversy surrounding the attempt to preserve Edifício Caiçara, suggest that the concepts underlying the preservation of the built cultural heritage of the city of Recife are out of step with current norms.


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How to Cite

de Lourdes Carneiro da Cunha Nóbrega, M. ., & Nilson de Andrade Pereira, J. . (2019). It fought the good fight, ended its career and kept the faith. Reflections on Edifício Caiçara. arq.Urb, (16), 173–183. Retrieved from


