The production of space from historycity to spaciality


  • Carolina Heldt D’Almeida


Production of Space, Centrality of Work, Contemporary Urban Space


This paper is an essay on an interpretation hypothesis of Henri Lefebvre’s thinking which signals the passage from spatiality to historicity and, in this process, exposes the function of the production of space in the production of contemporary society. We analyze the movement of his criticism on two of his works: The End of History (1971) and The Production of Space (2000, 2006) aiming at how this movement has a metaphilosophical perspective that seems to overcome the centrality of work that exists in the Marxian theory. The question we bring up, therefore, is that of who would be the “subject” to appear in the metaphilosophical perspective of Lefebvre.


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LEFEBVRE, Henri. O Direito à Cidade: o Fenômeno Urbano, Sentido e Finalidade da Industrialização, o Principal Direito do Homem. Trad. T. C. Neto. São Paulo: Documentos, 1969.

LEFEBVRE, Henri. O Fim da História. Trad. Antonio Reis. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote, 1971.

LEFEBVRE, Henri. O Pensamento Marxista e a Cidade. Lisboa: Ulisseia, 1972.

LEFEBVRE, Henri. La Production de L’Espace. 4ª ed. Paris: Éditions Anthropos, 2000.

LEFEBVRE, Henri. A Produção do Espaço. Trad. Grupo “As (im)possibilidades do urbano na metrópole contemporânea”. Belo Horizonte, 2006, no prelo.

LEFEBVRE, Henri. A Revolução Urbana. Trad. Sérgio Martins. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2002.



How to Cite

Heldt D’Almeida, C. . (2011). The production of space from historycity to spaciality . arq.Urb, (5), 4–14. Retrieved from


