The treaties of the twentieth century: special issues.


  • Fernando Guillermo Vázquez Ramos


Representation, treatises on architecture, architectural magazines


The treatises on architecture have been reborn with the Renaissance, and spread throughout the world keeping its preeminence for generations of architects. However, in the 19th century the criti- que of classicism destroyed this tradition. In the 20th century were the magazines that have assumed this role in transmitting the knowledge of architecture. Monographic editions are presented as the “treaties” of the 20th century. The diffusion of Wright would not have been possible without the portfolio published by Wasmuth (1910), or the work of Mies without the number of L’architecture d’aujourd’hui (1958) through which the images of a powerful architecture would give around the world.


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ALBERTI, Leon Battista. De Re aedificatoria. Madri, Akal, 2007.

PERSITZ, Alexandre et alt. L’oeuvre de Mies van der Rohe. In: ARCHITECTURE D’AUJURD’HUI, 1958, ano 29, n. 79, pg. 1-103 (número monográfico)

BENSON, Timothy (Ed.). Central European Avant-gardes: Exchange and Transformation 1910-1930. Cambridge, Ma.: The MIT Press, 2002.

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RABREAU, Daniel. Lês Dessins d’Architecture au XVIIIe Siècle. Paris: Bibliothèque de l’Image, 2001.

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ALBERTI, Leon Battista. De Re aedificatoria libri decem. Original em latim (1485) e tradução inglesa (1775), ver: The Archimedest Project. Digital Research Library, em: STIJL. Para acesso aos números da revista De Stijl, números 1 ao 11, ver

VITRUVIO (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio). De Architectura decem libri. Original em latim e tradução inglesa, ver:

TRATADOS RENASCIMENTO E BARROCO. Para os Tratados de Vitruvio, Alberti, Serlio, Vignola e Pozzo, ver:

WASMUTH PORTFOLIO. Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Para um acesso às imagens das lâminas do portfólio ver:

WENDINGEN. Para esta revista holandesa, ver:



How to Cite

Guillermo Vázquez Ramos, F. . (2011). The treaties of the twentieth century: special issues. arq.Urb, (5), 55–74. Retrieved from


