Views on the Parish, social participation and the construction of values in the city
Freguesia do Ó, Heritage Education, REPEP (Sao Paulo’s Heritage Education Network)Abstract
The Parish of O (Freguesia do Ó) is today an important reference to understand the history of the city of São Paulo from the perspective of urban growth and sociability built in an occupation beyond Tietê river. This is a phrase of a text produced by an architect and urbanist, i.e., how we could start writing about the neighborhood. However, our proposal is to present different voices about the Parish that have found in heritage a common place. Together, we formed a Working Group (WG) of the Paulista Network of Heritage Education (Repep) that since 2015 has been meeting to elaborate educational actions and proposals for valuing the local heritage, either by reviewing the listed heritage resolution or in defense for the constitution of a local memory space. Thus, we produce texts about our relations with the Parish of O and how we identify with this heritage. In this paper, after introducing the work of the WG, we expose the individual texts aiming to build a written dialogue. Although we do not represent the totality of different urban subjects, we hope to demonstrate the power
of a work produced through social participation, including the different meanings and narratives that exist in the heritage of the Parish of Ó.
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