From revolutions to uprisings
Revolutions, Uprising, Social Movements, ActivismAbstract
There are many different ways of expressing indignation about the current structure. Concerning the power established by a state or even moral organizations that control social bodies and actions, the most common way of manifesting occurs through occupation of the streets and use of “slogans”, demonstrating resentment, and either employing or not barricades and / or depredations of the physical space. However, there are different ways of manifesting named by various authors (DIDI-HUBERMAN, 2016; FOUCAULT, 1994; ARENDT, 2001; BENJAMIN, 2006; FLORESTAN FERNANDES, 2000; BADIOU, 2012; HOBSBAWM, 1995; CANDIOTTO, 2013; GOHN, 2014). From revolutions to uprisings, for instance, there are clear differences concerning internal organization, purpose and action. And, even within each of the concepts, it is possible to observe different readings when analyzing the perspectives of writing of each author. In this article we will analyze and qualify different spheres and ways of manifestation or collective action, thinking about their contradictions and modifications throughout history, especially for understand social movements and activism within the contemporary scenario.
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