Culture as Urbanism, or the Territorial Dimension of Culture


  • Daniela Sandler


Urban activism., Periphery, São Paulo, Epistemology, Public space


This article develops the idea of a “territorial dimension of culture” (proposed by Raquel Rolnik) in the context of contemporary grassroots urbanism in São Paulo, in particular in the peripheries of the city. The central argument of the article is the value of culture as an integral element in urbanism, and not as a separate area that is occasionally brought to bear on it. The article examines the use of culture in the construction of public spaces in the periphery—spaces defined not by their formal aspects, but for sustaining a diverse and inclusive public sphere. Culture is understood as urbanism both because it helps in critically understanding urbanization processes, and also because it aids in intervening in these processes concretely. The article also suggests a broadening of the epistemological assumptions of urbanism, so as to include practices and bodies of knowledge by diverse communities and groups, which are not necessarily recognized by official educational and professional institutions. Such a broadened vision has the potential to generate a more democratic, participatory and efficient urbanism, and a more just and humane city.


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How to Cite

Sandler, D. . (2019). Culture as Urbanism, or the Territorial Dimension of Culture. arq.Urb, (23), 95–116. Retrieved from


