Characterization of the urban context of student housing in Salvador
Right to the city, Student assistance, Urban equipmentsAbstract
Understanding the importance of housing and its location for access to basic equipment, this article aims to map and analyze the urban context of student housing in Salvador, for that priority was given to the analysis of: health equipment and commercial establishments of the type pharmacy, market and reprography. The research started with the understanding of student assistance policy in Brazil and especially in Salvador. Mapping and visits in loco of student housing in the city were carried out. The first analysis considers the accessibility of these students to UFBA, based on an analysis of the distance between these houses and the institution, the second one analyzes the presence of the aforementioned equipment in the vicinity of the student houses, for this, walking radii were established that indicate the average comfortable distance to reach each equipment. It can be concluded that the majority of student housing in Salvador is inserted in urban contexts with a good supply of the analyzed equipment and that the student assistance policy must take into account, in addition to the quality of housing, its location, aiming at the opportunity students access to urban equipment, and consequently contributing to the right to the city of these individuals.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Sabrina Sacramento, Yuri Oliveira, Aline Barroso, Mayara Araújo
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