House: The cultural assimilation of the modern space in Belém, PA
Modern architecture, Houses, Assimilation, BelémAbstract
The production of modern houses initiated by engineers in the city of Belém attracted the elite of merchants and liberal professionals in eco- nomic growth, even as the middle class. The house became the social representation and legitimation and also disseminated the architectural, structural and aesthetic elements in the new residential typologies built. The article aims to analyze the assimilation of elements, spatial soluti- ons and forms of modern architecture in these houses, accomplished through physical survey, photography, literature and interviews with their owners or residents. In the examples studied the formal and aes- thetic elements of modern architecture were identified in a variety of interpretations by their authors, due to new needs and the populariza- tion of the use of certain materials, such as tile fragments, verifying the need to expand the study of these specimens to better understand this other face of the expression of the modern in Belém.
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