Architecture as praxis: notes on the legacy of Arquitetura Nova
Brazilian architecture, Arquitetura Nova, Architecture and politicsAbstract
The separation of desenho and canteiro, identified by Arquitetura Nova as the cleavage of the conflict between capital and labour, operates today in an augmented reality. The role of the architect is one of an illusionist who reduces the complexity of architectural labour to uniqueness, a process through which capital is reified and endlessly reproduced in the pervasive circulation of images. Against this condition Arquitetura Nova's work offers a method. As a group they exercised a radically collective form of practice that opposed authorship placing the workers’ knowledge at the centre of the design and building process. More importantly they turned the gap between the real subject and one imagined in their theory and practice into the substance of their political project. The archetype of the vault-house, in its very material form, reclaims and exposes architecture as a collectively produced form of common knowledge: architecture as praxis, rational critical action.
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