Emergency shelter project: steps and challenges from a construction method with waste materials
Project process, Emergency shelter, Waste materialsAbstract
This paper aims to record the stages and challenges of the emergency shelter project process through the development of a project proposal with scrap materials and modulation principles. The project was elaborated from the trial and error method associated to the synthesis-analysis-evaluation cycle. Preliminarily the stages covered the problem design, study of correlates and definition of materials. Sequentially brainstorms, illustration through sketches, analyzes and evaluations indicated the discarding of initial ideas and the generation of others. Then the electronic modeling and the physical model showed other technical problems starting a new cycle of analysis and evaluation and the synthesis of new solutions. The challenges referred to adaptability to different users, relief, bioclimatic aspects, the possibility of self-construction, simplicity of the system, reduced numbers of parts and dimensional variations and ease of transportation. These challenges permeated the process and shaped the end product.
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