Connections in the landscape - Urban street trees as a bioconnector infrastructure
Urban ecosystems, Urban landscape, Urban vegetationAbstract
We present the street as the large public space in the cities, as a potential to support the infrastructure of vegetation, with allows the continuity and connections between existing green areas, with the capacity to alleviate the climate, reduce the air pollution, improve the air quality and bring the rich diversity of fauna and flora to the inhabitants of the city, in order to enrich the urban daily life. The advantages are found in taking an existing urban structure to increase the initiatives related to street tree planting by various stakeholders, think globally to implement local, encourage knowledge about ecosystems relations in urban areas and provide environmental quality for the city as a whole.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ana Maria Antunes Coelho, Sidney Carneiro de Mendonça Fernandes, Wellington Tohoru Nagano

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