Pensamento e inteligência em projeto arquitetônico. Uma revisão dos “agens” do ofício: linguagem, grafoagem e mãoagem
Architectural design, ockups and models, Architectural representationAbstract
Whereas, on the one hand architectural representation has been studied as a language, and on the other hand the profound implications of the relationship
between language and thinking, this paper points out the role of thinking and intelligence in the production of architectural representations. This problem is carried out, firstly, establishing a theoretical discussion throughout the revision of different authors and schools of thought from the 20th century, which belong to linguistics, psychology, philosophy and neuroscience, among other fields. Secondly, this paper will describe the production of human representations (ontogenetically and phylogenetically), the existent types (acting, iconic and symbolic), the material supports involved (language, graphuage and manuage) and its basic mental correlatives implied (concepts, percepts and endocepts) in order to make a distinction between thinking and intelligence. Thirdly, this paper will describe different disciplinary representations (drawing, architectural model and work) and how they are confronted with the previous topics, by concluding that it is possible to talk more about intelligence than thinking, this phenomenon being associated to the architectural representations proper of the projective practices. Finally, this paper discusses the possible consequences derived from conceptual precision, carried out in the field of architectural representation, and it shows its potential disciplinary implications.
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