n the middle of the way there was a graffiti
a remote device for perception mapping
Graffiti, Research Methodology, Visual mappingAbstract
With the objective of proposing a methodological device applicable online, the bibliographic basis supported the construction of an investigative path, which, combining concepts of ethnotopography and visual mapping, can be applied as a pilot to the participants of a thematic virtual workshop, contained in the programming of a local academic event, with the potential to reveal attributes and elements of perception, belonging, culture, memory and identity, in order to question whether people perceive the presence and/or how they identify the discursive tactics present in their daily lives. A linear path was delimited for a digital flâneur to observe the graffiti along Avenida XV de Novembro in the central region of the city of Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, on the banks of the Paraíba do Sul River, where the Campos Graffiti Festival took place in 2016.
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