How to apply visual communication in architecture

Concepts, references and guidelines for architects.




Environmental graphic design, Placemaking, Wayfinding


Visual communication is fundamental for the identity of many organizations and an important component of architecture. Places such as stores, hospitals, museums and airports, for example, need visual communication to clarify their operation to the user. This article presents and discusses this relationship between visual communication and environment based on Environmental Graphic Design, a discipline structured by the convergence of communication, graphic design and architecture, which deals with organizing the message in the built space. For this, it rescues definitions and presents the three most widely developed approaches in design: Placemaking Design, Wayfinding Design and Interpretative Design. Through examples, the article discusses visual communication in different contexts of architecture and then proposes links to the architect in this area. Finally, it suggests how to develop skills for the practice of projects of this nature.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Gallina Jorge, Universidade do Vale dos Sinos

Doutorando e Mestre em Design (Unisinos), MBA em Marketing (FGV), Especialista em Tecnologias Digitais Aplicadas à Educação (Ulbra), Graduado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (Ulbra).


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How to Cite

Gallina Jorge, G. (2023). How to apply visual communication in architecture: Concepts, references and guidelines for architects. arq.Urb, (36), 79–87.


