Evaluation of the energy performance of low-income house in the Paiçandu – Maringá – Sarandi/PR cluster
Thermal performance, Energy performance, NBR 15575Abstract
A dwelling must meet minimum conditions for thermal comfort for the user to per-form their tasks: rest and housework. As well as, have lower energy consumption during its life cycle. In this context, this article aims evaluate and classify the enve-lope of low-income houses in the city of Maringá/PR, Sarandi/PR and Paiçandu/PR, through the prescriptive method described in Volume 4 Manual de Etiquetagem em Edificações - Procel Edifica (2013) and verify some architectural elements for the thermal performance of the building considering the performance standard NBR 15575: 2021. The results showed that the types studied, for the three cities presented minimum standards of thermal performance limited by rule NBR 15575: 2021, and feature classification level C, on a scale of A to E of the labeling process in buildings. The NBR 15575: 2021 points inefficiency of the areas of openings for ventilation and natural lighting of architectural typologies study. Constructive adjustments on the facades, such as adjustable mechanisms for protection against sunlight in the gaps and use of lighter color on the roof improve the energy performance of their envelope.
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