Recent Ruminations

Renovation/ Recycling/ Restoration


  • Carlos Eduardo Dias Comas Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Heritage, Patrimony, Monument


Every constructed building is a patrimony in the broadest sense of heritage, legacy, and wealth, but heritage can be devalued, and renovations are carried out so that inheritance is revalued. The reform reclassifies the form. Recycling reclassifies the function in a symbolic, operational, spatial, and technical dimension, separately or together. Reform is the West's default constructive mode throughout history. But the renovated work does not differ from the new work as an instrument at the service of a prosaic program in each situation, nor as a root good that has a cost and provides benefits, eventually constituting an object of aesthetic delight. This article presents examples that fit, at least in part, this special type of reform that is restoration, and discusses cases of interventions in monuments, based on the argument that cultural assets are not reproducible.


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How to Cite

Eduardo Dias Comas, C. (2022). Recent Ruminations: Renovation/ Recycling/ Restoration . arq.Urb, (35), 50–56.


