New home office settings for the Creative Industry
Home office, Creative Industry, Reconfiguration, Atelier at homeAbstract
Home offices are workspaces structured in the homes of several professionals that, according to a pre-established concept in the popular imagination, are basically configured by a table, a chair and a computer, where the professional develops his work activities. With another look, this study promotes the deconstruction of this thought, seeking a new concept of home office for professionals in the creative industry. Massimo Canevacci's proposal, presented in the study A Cidade Polifônica, is used as a research method, in which three stages are developed: the first focuses on mapping professionals who work from home; the second consists of observing the chosen contexts, with data analysis and interpretation; and, finally, the third stage is characterized by the proposition of design guidelines. To complement this, a project experimentation phase was carried out in which the aim was to apply the knowledge generated in the conception of a new concept for the home office, which comes to be the home-atelier. From this construction, a visual representation of models of environments for ten segments of professionals is developed. The findings made it possible to verify several variables and possible configurations of residential-work spaces.
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