Insulated Concrete Forms – alternative technology in quality of life by optimizing home termal comfort
Thermal performance, Sustainable construction, Built EnvironmentAbstract
Every day, the search for buildings that are combined with concepts of reuse of materials, performance and quality in the thermal comfort of a built environment grows. In these parameters, the objective of this work is to compare the thermal performance between two construction systems: ceramic brick sealing and the Insulated Concrete Forms system, in order to verify the efficiency of this technology. The relevance of the research is sustained in the city of Guarantã do Norte, located in the “Amazônia of Mato Grosso” in the state of Mato Grosso, whose region is characterized by a hot-humid climate. This is an applied research carried out in different tests, verifying the thermal performance of each prototype during the months of September and October. Different temperature readings are analyzed in the built environment during the hours of the day, inside and outside the two similar structures in each building system, and through the results, identify the one with the best thermal performance. The development of the study of the constructive system resulted in obtaining very positive data regarding its thermal performance, which in turn can generate a series of benefits in relation to the improvement of the quality of comfort in the built environment with the thermal interactions with the external climate of the region.
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