Specificities of sustainable projects in architecture and urbanism
Sustainability, Architecture design, Urban design, Urban ecossystemAbstract
This work has been developed within the scope of the Urban Ecology Laboratory (LEUR), at the Graduate Program in Urbanism (PROURBFAU- UFRJ). Objectively, architectural projects and urban projects, even when framed to a single and specific category: sustainability, have different characteristics. Departing from the basic foundations (and original) of “Our Common Future” (1987), we can find evident similarities between the two practices, in the notoriously established fields: social, economic and environmental. The characteristics of each of these fields, gradually, emerge within their blurred specificities. However, in an assertive reductionism, in the context of the thematic challenge proposed, “sustainability: strategy or goal in the production of buildings and the city?”, the strict idea of “goal” (in the sense of target) could be attributed to architecture projects. On the other hand, urban projects should be associated to the definition of the term “strategy” (“in the sense of operation of available resources or conditions to achieve certain objectives”).
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