Urban Mobility Policies: identification of evaluation criteria of cyclomobility policies and actions.
Cycle mobility, Criteria for Mobility Assessment, Bicycles, Urban mobility, Urban Mobility ManagementAbstract
The valuation of non-motorized modes of transport has been evident in the federal, state and municipal government spheres, and has stimulated the discussion on cycling mobility, where, amidst the chaos in urban mobility caused by the automobilebased circulation model, governments to include in a significant way public policies, legislation and actions aimed at cycling mobility with new alternatives to problems associated with urban mobility. However, there is a gap in Brazil regarding the need to establish criteria to evaluate the evolution of the implementation of policies and actions of cycling mobility in municipalities. In this way, the study proposes, based on Brazilian legislation and national and international experiences, to establish criteria that allow the evaluation of the policies and actions of cyclomobilization implemented, in order to be an applicable instrument in the municipalities.
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