The vegetation as a parameter of environmental sustainability in cities
Cities, Environmental certification, EnvironmentAbstract
Vegetation can be considered as a significant indicator of environmental quality in cities, since it mitigates the adverse consequences of urbanization and has the potential to provide favorable environmental conditions and quality of life. Several certifications that aim measuring sustainability in the urban environment present different methods and evaluation measures for the criteria listed by it as relevant. Therefore, the objective of the present research is to analyze the vegetation as an environmental quality criterion along with widely adopted evaluation methods, in order to provide a comparative table regarding the relevance invested to the vegetation in the certifications of sustainability. To this end, it analyzes the certifications BREEAM, LEED e AQUA, in the categories referring to sustainable neighborhoods and new buildings, presenting from the importance invested in vegetation the proposals of suitable applications for it for each type of evaluation. The results show that vegetation, although – for paradox - is little mentioned along with certifications, it is a fundamental parameter for environmental sustainability in cities.
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