Le Corbusier and the notion of live in modern architecture


  • Juan José Cuervo Calle


Modern architecture, Modern urbanism, Housing and nature


This text presents one of the highlights in the formation and development of modern urbanism, approaching to the different ways to understand the notion of living architecture. Beginning from the precept where further exploration and research of the term living (human), assigned to Le Corbusier, who call for a new move, a different architecture based on new lifestyles including new representations of the city and housing. In this direction two points of view are presented: the first refers to the so-called natural part of living, where Le Corbusier conceives an architecture that harmonize man and land, architecture and nature, magnificence and splendor, caring the place, its historical values and enhancement the particular beauty of each place. And second, the purpose of learn to live: a teaching process that allow to the new modern man a preparation to face the renewed urban and housing models. In order to achieve this intention, the work was methodologically supported in a documentary research, some texts were revised that broadly expose the guidelines of modern architecture, especially those of Le Corbusier; Who allowed us to present a repertoire on the notion of dwelling and its importance for the understanding of modernity.


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How to Cite

José Cuervo Calle, J. . (2019). Le Corbusier and the notion of live in modern architecture. arq.Urb, (18), 85–103. Retrieved from https://revistaarqurb.com.br/arqurb/article/view/166


