Celebration, an american new traditional city


  • Adilson C. Macedo


urban development, urban form, urban design, urban landscape


Thinking about how it was settled Celebration at a single glance would report to the process of urban sprawl. Meanwhile, this particular region - Metro Orlando – is presented as a positive example of well connected nuclear urban spots. The form-based region is an archipelago of different centralities which one having its proper character. Offering a diversity of activities, they are linked by an efficient transit oriented system. Considering the city itself - middle class styled - it is discussed how was conceptualized its project and the, implementation process. The project’s high standards come about the balancing between developer’s goals and the team expertise. It is explained by the proper manner used to articulate the elements of the traditional urban form and architecture as an effort to redeem the urban environment of the traditional American town. Controlling the urban development pattern is made by the use of a form-based code. The design lesson that comes from Celebration is related to the street, block, parcel and building patterns and comes either from the adopted design method. The method approaches how to relate the open spaces and the built landscape. This method to carry on design projects would be easy adapted to any particular urban environment.


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www.urbandesignassociates.com/pattern_Details www.celebrationfl.com/press_¬room/faq_07

www.cooperrobertson.com/ projects



www.newurbannews.com/ABout NewUrbanism.html



Figura 01- Mapa produzido por Mapquest, divulgação livre. Realce de alguns locais feitos pelo Autor.

Figuras 02, 03, 04, 05 - Google, sobrepostas a pelo Autor algumas indicações adicionais.

Figuras 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 - Fotos feitas pelo Autor.

Figuras 11, 12, 13 - Fotos por Mary Ann Sullivan, Digital Imagining Project . Permitido o uso das imagens para uso não comercial. Universidade de Ohio, USA. Copyright © Mary Ann Sullivan. I have photographed (on site), scanned, and manipulated all the images on these pages. Please feel free to use them for personal or educational purposes. (I would appreciate being told if you find them useful.) They are not available for commercial purposes without my explicit permission. Nota: Avisamos a Mary Ann sobre o uso das imagens.

Figuras 14, 15 - Fotos feitas pelo Autor.

Figura 16 - Livreto de divulgação para vendas. Fornecido ao Autor quando da visita a Celebration Realty, Inc.

Figura 17- Foto feita pelo Autor.

Figura 18 – Arquivo do Autor

Figura 19 - Foto feita pelo Autor



How to Cite

C. Macedo, A. . (2011). Celebration, an american new traditional city. arq.Urb, (5), 15–36. Retrieved from https://revistaarqurb.com.br/arqurb/article/view/219


