THE The old church of Saint Alexandre’s labyrinth of memories: integrated symbols and contrasts of the dynamics of the sacred heritage in Belém, Pará
Sacred Heritage, Affective Memory, Saint AlexandreAbstract
Christian sacred architecture, the building itself and its integrated symbols (altars, pulpits, furniture) are a materialization of culture into the set of spiritual beliefs and traditions that make sense for a particular community. Taking as an object of analysis the church of Santo Alexandre in Belém, Pará, we look at this building and its symbolic goods as repositories and/or labyrinths, in which an individual memory of its regulars is anchored, either by aesthetic, historical or affective reasons. Throughout time, these references may be lost, due to the priority of the largest social basis which demands actions of refuncionalization, such as the museal function of the sacred environments. The case of the former Church of Santo Alexandre, in Belém Pará, becomes an emblematic case in order to analyze the consequences of actions which overlap patrimonialization to the heritage values to the collective memory of the citizens.
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