The protection of rural architecture
a typological study of buildings built in the city of Icó – CE
Patrimony, Sertão, InventoryAbstract
The issue of cultural heritage in Brazil, reveal trends of exclusion based on foreign styles that dictate, classify and exclude the heritage of national locations, within this panorama cultural examples of the country people
find their existence compromised by the action of time, the neglect of public protection, from the scarcity of urban planning and the advances and onslaughts of real estate capital. Icó, a municipality in the Center-South region of the State of Ceará, is one of the largest holders of historical architectural examples, its collection managed by IPHAN, however it disregarded rural buildings located in its urban and district headquarters. That said, the research seeks to analyze the current picture of these buildings, from the perspective of legislation and heritage protection. For
this, a documentation of this architecture was carried out, through a methodology supported by bibliographical and field research, data collection from the instruments of local public administration, apprehension of the place and surroundings of the non-inventoryed buildings. As a result, the research produced an analysis of its location and its typology, as part of the process for a proposal to protect the buildings.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Glaudemias Grangeiro Júnior; Hortênsia Gadelha Maia; João Lucas Vieira Nogueira; Cláudia Sales de Alcântara.
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