Thoughts on land planning and the rural dimension
Land planning, Ecological conservation, BioregionsAbstract
Planning became a science in the 20th century. Land planning was developed as a response to the need to better organize spatial dynamics and the flow of resources in a rapidly changing world. Non-urban land planning is a field still little developed. Currently, the value of non-urban land areas, which represent a total of 97% of the land surface, is becoming more evident day by day. Non-urban land, composed of rural areas and wilderness, concentrates the largest fragments of natural ecosystems on the planet, essential for the balance of the biosphere. Land planning focused on the rural dimension requires a methodology that specifically responds to local dynamics and socioecological conditions, and is oriented towards the conservation of the local ecological and social dimension. In this article we present the origins of the science of territorial planning, mention alternative governance and management models and reflect on how land planning can contribute to a more transparent, inclusive and collaborative reality for the long run.
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