Qualitative Approach and Projects for Restoration of Built Heritage


  • Luciana Bracarense Coimbra Veloso
  • Henor Artur de Souza Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Law, Security assessment, Structural restoration, Qualitative approach, Architectural Heritage


This article aims to discuss the contribution of qualitative research to projects of restoration of buildings with recognized historical and cultural value. The research from which this concern emerged was tied to the area of preservation of historical heritage. The object of study was the Rotunda of the Railway Complex of Ribeirão Vermelho, Minas Gerais, Brazil, whose memory value conferred an interdisciplinary character to the investigation, through a dialogue between the Engineering and Architecture areas. In this article we aim to be clear about the evaluation of stability and security of the existing structure in its relationship with conservation and architectural preservation criteria, with emphasis on the ethical question of restoration. We discuss the relevance of qualitative studies to diagnose the conditions of the building and, thus, to establish guidelines for intervention in the structure of the building with a view to its rehabilitation. In the discussion of the results, the contribution of the qualitative analyzes was considered, given the understanding of the building as a historical document, which, in dialogue with the results of the quantitative studies, allowed to elaborate the intervention guidelines for a possible Rotunda restoration project. The study was concluded with the defense of investigative approaches that integrate qualitative and quantitative analyzes as opposed to the systematic exclusion of the qualitative analysis, although in studies, like the developed one, centered in the evaluation of the stability and structural security.


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Author Biographies

Luciana Bracarense Coimbra Veloso

Doutorado em Engenharia Civil, UFOP. Mestrado em Ciências da Arquitetura, UFRJ. Foi Professora do Curso de Restauração de Imóveis do IFMG, Ouro Preto; Cursos de Arquitetura e de Turismo, UNIUBE. Foi Chefe do Setor de Patrimônio Histórico em Uberaba, até 2008. É professora de História da Arte, Estética e Técnicas Retrospectivas e coordenadora do Curso de Arquitetura do UNIS.

Henor Artur de Souza, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, UFSC (1981), mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica, UFSC (1985) e doutorado em Engenharia Mecânica, UFSC (1993). É Professor Titular da UFOP. Experiência em Engenharia
Mecânica, com ênfase em Fenômenos de Transporte, atuando principalmente em: pesquisa básica e aplicada
em fenômenos de transporte, conforto ambiental, ventilação e análise térmica de edificações, e APO em edificações em aço.


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How to Cite

Coimbra Veloso, L. B. ., & Artur de Souza, H. . (2018). Qualitative Approach and Projects for Restoration of Built Heritage. arq.Urb, (22), 66–79. Retrieved from https://revistaarqurb.com.br/arqurb/article/view/60


