The “kinship” between convents:
the franciscan school of Germain Bazin
Fransciscan convents, Cairu, ParaguaçuAbstract
This paper it aims to discuss the stylistic unit confered, by Germain Bazin, in 1950 decade, to the franciscan convents in the northestern Brasil, built during colonial period. For that, they were developed the bibliographic and documentary review, and studies about the case with the comparative analysis of two these convents in matter: Santo Antônio (or São Francisco) from Paraguaçu in the municipality of Ca-choeira; and Santo Antônio Convent in Cairu, both in the state of Ba-hia. Their facades reflect similarities and their frontspices refer to a leyout of the same architectural composition, although they have diferente plants. In addition numerous and renowned scholars wrote about those convents, but the documental gap did not help in identifying the authors of their projects, and the dates of their origins are unclear in the bibliography found. Theories have been launched about the construction of the franciscan convent, but without proof. So, it was not possible to determine the relationship between the studied buildings however visibly observable. So, the conclusions can hardly be finalized, but the questions leave open ways for new researchs.
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