Edmund N. Bacon as a teacher

Review of a didactic exercise carried out in the course «History and Theory of Urban Design» at the University of Pennsylvania





Urbanismo, Design of Cities, University de Pennsylvania


The article examines the teaching practice of Edmund Bacon under the theoretical postulates exposed in his fundamental work «Design of Cities». The postulates expressed in the work are reviewed, linked to internal forces, the system of simultaneous movements and the awareness of space as an experience. An unpublished record (documentary, graphic and oral) of a didactic experience developed in the course "History and Theory of Urban Design" taught by Bacon at the University of Pennsylvania is then reviewed. Subsequently, the theoretical precepts of Design of cities are contrasted with the didactic-teaching practice of the course, verifiable in the records offered. From the findings, it is shown how Baconian theory and didactics distance themselves from the modern conception of urbanism of the 20th century, realizing, rather, a proximity to empirical, perceptual and experiential currents, perhaps closer to the avant-gardes and phenomenology.


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Author Biographies

Rossana María Delpino Sapena, Centro Universitário de Brasília

PhD in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2016, Master's degree in Architecture in the field of Criticism and Design from the same university in 1998, and Architect from the Faculty of Architecture at the National University of Asunción in 1997. Currently, she is a full professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of CEUB - Centro Universitário de Brasília - and in the Master's Program in Architecture in Cities and Housing. She is a partner and architect at FARE Architecture and Urbanism in Brasília, where she carries out work in the field of architecture, urban planning, among others.

Mauricio Arnoldo Cárcamo Pino, Universidad de Chile

Architect from the University of Talca in 2008, PhD candidate (ETSAM-UPM). Since 2010, he has been working as an academic at the University of Chile, carrying out teaching, research, artistic creation, and extension work. He is a speaker and guest professor at various Latin American architecture schools.


BACON, E. N., [1967] 1976. Design of Cities. Revised Edition ed. New York: Penguin Books.

CLOW, D. F., 2000. Edmund N. Bacon: A biographical sketch of his life from 1910 to 1939.

LAURENCE, P. L., 2006. The Death and Life of Urban Design: Jane Jacobs, The Rockefeller Foundation and the New Research in Urbanism, 1955–1965. Journal of Urban Design, June, 11(2), pp. 145–172. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13574800600644001

LONGHI Traverso, L., 2021. Tercera Sesión (04 de mayo de 2021) [Entrevista] (04 mayo 2021).

Neumann, T., 2017. U.S. Foundations, Urban Design, and International Development since 1945, s.l.: Rockefeller Archive Center.



How to Cite

Sapena, R. M. D., & Pino, M. A. C. (2023). Edmund N. Bacon as a teacher: Review of a didactic exercise carried out in the course «History and Theory of Urban Design» at the University of Pennsylvania. arq.Urb, (37), 90–96. https://doi.org/10.37916/arq.urb.vi37.661


