The method of circulation
An architectural design process methodology and its adoption in the graduation course vertical studio
Teaching of architectural design, Didactic experience, Circulation in architecture.Abstract
Based on a problem identified in the classroom involving the students' difficulty in understanding and defining the circulation in the process of designing an architectural project, a research was developed with the aim of bringing clear and systematic answers to students within the design studio. For years as a professor of the Architectural Design discipline in Architecture and Civil Engineering courses, it was observed that the problem involves the understanding of the architectural program and the circulation item seen as a percentage and without a clear definition in the project. The circulation system and its elements are fundamental in the design process and in the definition of the architectural proposal. The research generated theoretical and practical results, involving an architectural design methodology to be adopted in undergraduate design studio teaching, with the definition of the circulation system in the project as the structuring part of the architectural parti. In this text we present an overview of the research and its practical results, in a didactic experience in the studio 'Ateliê Vertical', with the application and validation of the developed methodology, which we call 'the method of circulation' in the process of architectural design.
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