The Internship Environment in Journal: record students’ experiences of the Architecture and Urbanism course in their Internship environments through the journal “The Internship Environment”
Supervised Internship, Active methodology., Digital magazineAbstract
The practice of supervised internship allows the student to exercise skills and knowledge acquired during the undergraduate course, what creates an ideal
condition to provide the acquisition of professional experience linked to theory and practice. In this context, this article approaches the methodological
experience of the Supervised Internship course held at the Architecture and Urbanism course at the Vila Velha University (UVV) / ES/Brazil, which aims a
greater active, integrated and collaborative participation of students through the project “The Internship Environment Journal” in which the experiences
of the students in their trainee environments are recorded in the format of a digital magazine. “The Internship Environment” is a journal developed by
the students, with the purpose of presenting the local and functional structure of their internships, its contributions to their professional life, as well as the
contributions of the course subjects, teachers and the university. With three semester editions already published on a digital platform, the journal is the result
of an active, integrated, collective and collaborative methodology that can be adapted to other undergraduate courses.
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