Proposal for Epistemological review of John Ruskin ́s theory


  • Claudio Silveira Amaral


pedagogy, logic, history, design


The hypothesis in this study lies on the fact that John Ruskin’s mainly deals with a conception of logic and reasoning as groundings to understand fields of work like architecture, painting, politics, economy, and religion among others. Unlikely other modern architecture historians who reviewed the Ruskinian architecture work quite separately and unattached to other subjects, this study will provide an understanding to the common logic and reasoning working as a framework for all these fields. It is intended to demonstrate that Ruskin’s objectives were not related to building up a theory of nature, painting, economical politics, or even architecture, but about using the same logic of composition all over these subjects.


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How to Cite

Silveira Amaral, C. . (2010). Proposal for Epistemological review of John Ruskin ́s theory. arq.Urb, (4), 80–97. Retrieved from


